The return of the haters...
Anonym : The beauty is, you can get all of those shows in LOSSLESS format for FREE at ... No need to download the crap from here. Enjoy. - As for Amazon, I hope that more of UG's discs will appear there.
Jane, you hit the nail on the head. This so called UG is just an old and lonely fart from France. What else do you expect from people who live there? If you look at some of those homemade covers, they even have spelling errors. Lousy work, not worth to "steal". Nowadays photo software is more advanced to do better jobs. Long live Jane and all those who fight against low quality downloads on the internet. In 2022 we all deserve better because we can get better elsewhere.@ Man from Mordor: this sounds like a threat to me, maybe the police should get involved in this. You seem to be a violent criminal.
Thank you Jane for this comment. UG simply sucks. I still wonder why he has so many followers. It seems, most of those who visit this blog do not care about quality, just about file size. The smaller the better.
Jane : Uncle Gil, I first visited your blog about June 8, 2022.
I think I downloaded a ZIP file that spat out some lousy MP3s which sounded thin, degraded, and weak. I deleted them within a few hours.
It was a minor disappointment, but I explored your blog anyway to try to figure out why you do things the way you do. What I found was incoherence and stubbornness.
I am having a very difficult time being sympathetic in regards to your irritation at having your artwork stolen. I am sure you spent several minutes on it, and I do agree that you deserve at least some credit.
However, I wonder if you could have legally protected it as your work. I tend to doubt it. Ultimately, those covers are just memes you created using images of the artists created by others.
You are a weird bird, Uncle Gil. You "grab from the web" whatever you want, muck it up as you see fit, and then act all indignant and aggrieved when someone does the same to you. You oddly think you deserve a lot of respect that you do not actually deserve.