Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. Surgery for a hematoma on the spinal cord... I am out of the hospital and when I am able, I will continue to post... Let time take its course... Best regards to each of you.
Uncle Gil, Meilleurs voeux de rétablissement ! Pour te consoler : si on se réveille le matin, passé 50 ans, sans avoir mal quelque part, c'est qu'on est mort !! :) Courage ! Chris-France
Uncle Gil, I hope that your recovery continues well and that you'll be back to normal before long. The website can wait. I've been enjoying it since 2006, the first such site I found on the internet. It's been a joy all the way through (well, except for the time when that jerk kept annoying you).
Glad to hear that there was a treatment for your back. It sounded painful!. Take the spring time to recover and come back if you feel like it. All your nephews/nieces miss you.
Bonjour Uncle Gil ! Je vous souhaite un excellent retour à la maison avec vos proches autour de vous ... Je confirme le post de Chris : Après 50 ans, le corps réagit bien différemment il faut donc l'écouter régulièrement Vous allez faire ce qu'il faut pour préserver votre santé Impossible n'est pas Français... Bien à vous, Raphaël DUPRAT95
Your site is the first site I found on the Internet and the Best thank you for the great music over the years more than 10 years I have no idea how long I have been tuning in, any way get well soon and hope to see you back at your best soon. Rocking Eddie
Take care, dear Uncle Gil! Best wishes for full recovery to bionic strength! Take it easy, use your recovery as an opportunity to appreciate the finer things of life. Warm regards
Haven't been on your site for a while and I'm immediately shocked because I also know your age. Hope you recover well and stay with us for many years more
66 commentaires:
Bon et prompt rétablissement Uncle Gil's. Pas évident tout cela. La publication sur ton blog est un détail à coté de cela.
Uncle Gil, so nice to hear and I pray for continued healing. Ed
I'm so sorry. Feel better.
Take care of yourself!
Take care and get well soon
Best wishes for a quick and complete recovery!
Mucho animo
Feel better, Gil. Take your time -- I have plenty of downloaded C&W and Blues to catch up with.
Les posts ne sont pas prioritaires. Bon rétablissement Uncle Gil!!
Get well soon!
Toda la fuerza Tio querido...buena y larga vida para ti mi amigo.Saludos desde Argentina.
Hoping for a quick and complete recovery. Thanks for all of the joy you have shared over the years.
Mike M
Espero que tenga una pronta recuperación. Salud!!
Prayers your way.
Get well soon Uncle Gil!
Thanks for the update, Uncle. My best wishes to you.
Get well soon and I look forward to your return to post. You've added so much great music to my collection and it's very very much appreciated.
All the best ......
Uncle Gil,
Meilleurs voeux de rétablissement !
Pour te consoler : si on se réveille le matin, passé 50 ans, sans avoir mal quelque part, c'est qu'on est mort !! :)
Courage !
Best wishes, Uncle Gil -- I hope your recovery is going well.
Uncle Gil, I hope that your recovery continues well and that you'll be back to normal before long. The website can wait. I've been enjoying it since 2006, the first such site I found on the internet. It's been a joy all the way through (well, except for the time when that jerk kept annoying you).
Wow I missed that. Get well soon Dean
Take care UG and get well soon.
We're all thinking of you, Gil. Hope you have a speedy recovery. See you soon!
Thank god you are out of the hospital. now recover and get back your strength and total health
Blessings Uncle Gil, healing and strength to you. God speed!
un bon retablissement et courage !!!!!!!!!
We support your work. Keep going on. Best regards.
Get back to good health and stay safe!
Prayers, My Friend Get Well Soon, This Getting Younger Stuff Stinks!
My prayers and all good wishes for your continuing recovery.
I hope you feel better and recover quickly!
Best wishes from Germany
Wishing you a successful recovery. All the best.
Sending positive vibrations Gil!
Un fuerte abrazo. Recuperate!!!
Blessings to you and your journey of healing
Uncle Gil - Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Glad to hear that there was a treatment for your back. It sounded painful!. Take the spring time to recover and come back if you feel like it. All your nephews/nieces miss you.
Best wishes, Uncle.
Bonjour Uncle Gil ! Je vous souhaite un excellent retour à la maison avec vos proches autour de vous ...
Je confirme le post de Chris :
Après 50 ans, le corps réagit bien différemment
il faut donc l'écouter régulièrement
Vous allez faire ce qu'il faut pour préserver votre santé
Impossible n'est pas Français...
Bien à vous,
Raphaël DUPRAT95
take care and speedy recovery
Tu vas nous revenir tel un jeune de 20 ans, au plaisir de te relire.
Bon rétablissement - "swiss" salutations
Your site is the first site I found on the Internet and the Best thank you for the great music over the years more than 10 years I have no idea how long I have been tuning in, any way get well soon and hope to see you back at your best soon. Rocking Eddie
Take care and best wishes for a full recovery
Get well soon, and thank you for all the music all these years.
bon rétablissement .....
Take care, dear Uncle Gil! Best wishes for full recovery to bionic strength! Take it easy, use your recovery as an opportunity to appreciate the finer things of life. Warm regards
From The Middle Of The Pacific - Aloha - Take Care Of Yourself!!!
All the very best for a speedy recovery to full health - take care.
May God bless you with health! Could you please post the series That'll Flat Git It!
Auguri, Zio Gil!
Tanti auguri da Roma, Italia
Wishing you a speedy recovery Uncle Gil! Take care and follow the doctor's orders :)
Good to hear you are out of hospital get well soon Rocking Eddie
Courage & bon rétablissement.
Could You please send him flowers?
Such Disrespect, I agree with Armin
Merci pour les bonnes nouvelles, Uncle Gil. Remets-toi bien, nous pouvons patienter avec l'excellente musique que tu nous offres depuis des années !
Prayers Still Going Up Bro Gill!!!
Just say hello to you and get well soon
hope u get well soon Uncle -Aussie
Haven't been on your site for a while and I'm immediately shocked because I also know your age. Hope you recover well and stay with us for many years more
Fast recovery and good health
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