01 - Art Schneider - I Came Back
02 - Art Schneider - I've Lost Myself Somewhere
03 - Joe Hickey - Just As Sure
04 - Joe Hickey - Loving You Hurts Too Much
05 - Billy Horner - No Thanks To You
06 - Billy Horner - Your Book Of Fools
07 - Bob Ranes - Boy From Santa Fe
08 - Bob Ranes - Kathy
09 - Roger Groff - A Simple Lie
10 - Roger Groff - Don't Rush A Good Thing
11 - Frank Smith - Take It Easy Heart
12 - Frank Smith - The Force Holding Me
13 - Art Pettibone - Little Ole Fun Maker Me
14 - Art Pettibone - What'cha Gonna Do
15 - Big Jim Ashford - Homesick Soldier
16 - Big Jim Ashford - Women And Wine
17 - Roger Groff - Only The Bad Things
18 - Roger Groff - Time Is All It Takes
19 - Bob Shafer - At The Top Of The Stairs
20 - Bob Shafer - How Much Further Do You Think I'll Bend
21 - Ray Reeves - The Homing Call
22 - Ray Reeves - Your Living Hell
23 - Art Pettibone - If I Loved You Would You Love Me
24 - Art Pettibone - Teany Tiny Baby
25 - Barbara Colson - Please Mr Bandman
26 - Barbara Colson - What's Happened To Things
27 - Dick Johnson - I Wonder Where You Are Tonight
28 - Dick Johnson - If There's A Chance
29 - Roger Groff - Drop Some Silver In The Jukebox
30 - Roger Groff - Mister I Missed Her
Compiled by The Hillbilly Rescue Team