VA - KING HILLBILLY - THE KING PROJECT VOL. 22764A - I'm Gonna Be Gone, Gone, Gone - Mel Cox & his Flying X Ranchboys
764B - Honolulu Lou - Mel Cox & his Flying X Ranchboys
765A - I Waltz Alone - Cowboy Copas
765B - I Know What It Means To Be Lonesome - Clyde Moody
766A - A Package Of Old Letters - York Brothers
766B - New Mississippi River Blues - York Brothers
767A - Down In Nashville, Tennessee - Cowboy Copas
767B - I Love You So Much It Hurts - Cowboy Copas
768A - Son. Please Meet Me In Heaven - Jimmie Osborne
768B - Not Unloved Nor Unclaimed - Jimmie Osborne
769A - The Wrath Of God - Delmore Brothers
769B - Calling To That Other Side - Delmore Brothers
770A - One Heart, One Love, One Life - Hank Penny
770B - Red Hot Mama (And Ice Cold Papa) - Hank Penny
771A - Sweet Mama Put Him In Low - Fairley Holden
771B - Graveyard Light - Fairley Holden
772A - Kitty Clyde - Grandpa Jones
772B - Going Down Town - Grandpa Jones
773A - The Girl On The Police Gazette - Homer & Jethro
773B - Poor Little Liza, Poor Girl - Homer & Jethro
774A - Money, Marbles and Chalk - 'Pop' Eckler
774B - I'll Never, Never Leave You Again - 'Pop' Eckler
775A - Down In Nashville, Tennessee - Cowboy Copas
775B - Waltzing With Tears In My Eyes - Cowboy Copas
Compiled by The King Project from The Hillbilly Yahoo group