dimanche 15 mai 2022

Stutterin' Papa


A01 - Andy Starr - Rockin' Rollin' Stone
A02 - Andy Starr - I Want-a Go South
A03 - Andy Starr - She's A Going Jessie
A04 - Andy Starr - Old Deacon Jones
A05 - Marvin Rainwater - Mr. Blues
A06 - Cecil Campbell - Rock And Roll Fever
A07 - Andy Starr - Give Me A Woman
A08 - Andy Starr - Round And Round
A09 - Andy Starr - No Room For Your Kind
A10 - Andy Starr - One More Time
B01 - Buck Griffin - Stutterin' Papa
B02 - Buck Griffin - Watchin' The 7-10 Roll By
B03 - Buck Griffin - Bow My Back
B04 - Marvin Rainwater - My Brand Of Blues
B05 - Cecil Campbell - Dixieland Rock
B06 - Bob Gallion - My Square Dancin' Mama
B07 - Carson Robison - Rockin' And Rollin' With Granmaw
B08 - Buck Griffin - Old Bee Tree
B09 - Buck Griffin - You'll Never Come Back
B10 - Buck Griffin - Jessie Lee

Vinyl rip

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Uncle Gil,

Have you got MGM Rockabilly Collection, Vol. 2 MGM (England) 2354 147 (LP) ?


Uncle Gil a dit…

@ Richard

Here it is (not my rip. From a defunt blog):


Anonyme a dit…

Many thanks Uncle Gil,
